How to use the copyright function at Songbay
How to use the copyright function at Songbay?
We give free copyright protection and registration to all our subscribers. You can either perform the copyright function at the end of the upload process or from the Copyright section directly.
You are prompted to use the copyright function at the end of each upload to Songbay- a message pops up saying - 'Would you like to copyright protect this upload?' (to do so, click on the link which will take you to the copyright area and follow the instructions).
You are further reminded of any non-protected uploads (where you have not yet completed the copyright registration of an upload) by a message at the top of your user dashboard in red saying:
You have (X number of upload(s)) requiring registration for our Copyright Protection Service. Please use our FREE Copyright Service Now! >>
Once you are in the 'Copyright" area of Songbay, you may see the message 'Pending' displayed next to an upload, This means that you have not yet completed the copyright registration for this upload. In which case, click 'Protect now' (to the right-hand side of the pending notification) and follow the instructions. It's best to do this on a computer or tablet as you will be required to draw a digital signature.
It is not mandatory to use our copyright protection service, You may use any other copyright registration office if you prefer. However, most copyright offices charge around $35 per registration, our service is free to all our subscribers!